Festival Anima Mundi

The festival will be set up according to our philosophy.  It will be an annual event of scenic arts inclusive and multidisciplinary for all ages.

It will be an innovative festival with  an alternative vision. A cultural event in which the actors as well as the public will be witness to the inclusion of diversity. An issue which marginally is addressed but profoundly moves the creators as much as the public and above all affected families and aid groups from the people of special needs in Asturias.

All will take place in the municipality of Cabranes with a wide program ranging from workshops to performances and concerts to handcraft market, food stalls. During the dance preparations the week previous to the festival there will be exhibitions of films about the the issue. There will be a theater play exclusively written for the festival with a actors setting mix inclusion.

The festival pretends to circulate each year new artists and spread and support the project Anima Mundi; artistic residence

Shortly you will be able to consult the program.