What is Anima Mundi?

The origen of Anima Mundi

The non profit association Anima Mundi was constituted in 2023 in the municipality of Cabranes with the aim to set in motion the creation of a residential home for people with special needs in the council. Our ideology is to break with the existing paradigm of special needs care. 


There is the tendency to segregate our target group from society in order to be subjected to professional care.


We aim for a form of care respecting the independence according the ability of the persons and therefore avoiding a form of care that could cause over protection which could result in that those people lose their independence not because of their incapacity, but due to over care. This leads to an economical burden of society.

Emer Willet on the path, photo de S. Herrero



Anima Mundi is based on the philosophy that every person throughout their lives is subjected to a learning process. The independence one conceives through a process of learning and trial and error. The fact that error does not result in inconvertible damage is due to the team coaching the independence process based on patience and love.


Applying creative therapies in a rural setting there is a potential to convert a person's life from being aimless to more meaningful.


Inclusion is another pillar of our philosophy. Inclusion is interactive, meaning so much society toward special needs as vice versa. Creativity and love are keywords to reach to inclusion.

Circular Economy

The center will funcion on the basis of a circular economy. This means that the activities carried out have a focus on generating economy. Together with the staff the users will set up a production of market compatible items. The products may be alimentary, artistic or performance (music, theater).

Emer Willet: ‘Good morning’
A social organisation